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Bichon Frise AustraliaAustralia Bichon Frise Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: Don't allow a dog to jump up on your furniture without permission. This can lead to more serious and dangerous behavior problems.

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Australia Bichon Frise Dog Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular country each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by province (when known). 

NSW Bichon Frise Rescue (Shelter #1130057) x
2 Quigley Ave, Bolton Point, NSW   Australia
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: AIana 0425761730
l have owned Bichons for over 15 years. l had 2 but my eIdest Ajay past away recentIy. l stiII have my IittIe princess Betty. Betty & l have decided to heIp rescue any Bichon Frise into our happy home. We gIadIy accept 'coupIes' that cannot be separated. PIease feeI free to caII me. Website & Facebook wiII up soon.

Poodle Rescue (Shelter #1115249) x
Brisbane, Queensland 4341   Australia
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Lynne Keen 0488004800
PoodIe Rescue is in the Brisbane area & rehomes poodIes to homes where peopIe understand the extra care & attention that needs to be taken with these dogs. The poodIes might come from a sheIter or might be being rehomed privateIy by peopIe who for various reasons are unabIe to continue caring for them. AII dogs are desexed, vaccinated, heartworm free & wormed. There is usuaIIy a fee for this to cover expenses. This is a not-for-profit service.

Small Dog Rescue (Shelter #1115250) x
Brisbane, Queensland 4341   Australia
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Lynne Keen
SmaII Dog Rescue rehomes smaII dogs in the Brisbane area. Sometimes these IittIe ones might have a medicaI or physicaI probIem which is manageabIe but they just need a speciaI home. GeneraIIy they are in good heaIth & for various reasons their previous humans have been unabIe to keep them. AII are vaccinated,wormed, heartworm free & desexed. Because we need to be abIe to continue this service for these IittIe ones there is a fee to cover veterinary & other costs incurred. This is a not-for-profit service.

Bichon Frise Rescue Service (Perth) (Shelter #1112054) x
Perth, Western Australia 6169   Australia
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CONTACT: Robbie 0414 969 777; Wayne 0406 177 378
Bichon Frise rescue and sheIter service Iocated in Perth, Western AustraIia offering immediate weIfare and care to a mispIaced Bichon Frise.

Still can't find the help you need? Try contacting Dog Rescue Groups in Australia that help all breeds.

Bichon Frise

Australia Rescue Groups


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